Nose Correction (Rhinoplasty)
Although rhinoplasty, or nose correction (also known colloquially as ‘nose job’), falls under the ambit of cosmetic surgery, it provides a huge number of practical solutions for people suffering from breathing difficulty.
Yes, rhinoplasty can repair broken, disproportionately-sized and drooping nose, and can provide an instant harmony to an unbalanced face. However, rhinoplasty is also effective in repairing nasal cartilage, nasal concha, alar cartilage, and deviated septum. In addition, minor tweaks of the nose, such reducing nostril size and reducing bridge height, can do wonders to the overall appearance of patients. In some industries, a good nose job can mean the difference between failure and success (yes, humans are shallow creatures).
During the procedure, incisions to access the nose’s cartilage and bones are actually made inside the nostrils, so patients will not have to be concerned about external scarring. Since the bones and cartilage are relatively soft, the surgery is quite easy and fast to perform. Bleeding is also kept to a minimum, and the splints used to hold the shaped of the nose are located outside, which means it will be easily removed once the nose has healed.
Post-Surgery Care
The majority of rhinoplasties are performed as an outpatient procedure, and they usually take just a couple of hours to complete. In serious cases, patients might be asked to stay overnight to allow the doctor to assess the recovery the following day.
Be prepared for a swollen and puffy nose, which will take about two to three weeks to recover. Internally though, the recovery process is between one and two weeks. Some patients will also experience a little pain (2 or 3 on a scale of ten) during the period. Just keep your head elevated and the pain will gradually disappear (or take the prescribed painkillers).
Rhinoplasty is a low risk surgery. However, complications can occur. The most common is nasal blockage. The swelling from the procedure might cause patients some difficulty while breathing. Use a cold compress to minimise the swelling. Remember to finish your antibiotic as it will help to contain and heal any minor internal injuries and infection.